
Racing with Hoofers

Sail, sail, as fast as you can! Racing sailboats is fun and exciting - it's also one of the best ways to improve your sailing skills. During the peak season Hoofers hosts its own races four days per week for members to show what they've got and refine their sailing skills. Racing is a great way to meet other members and learn from each other.

No racing experience is necessary for Hoofers races! Our races are meant to be fun and a learning experience for everyone. Ratings are not required for crew sign-up, Crewing is a great way to get on the water and practice for your ratings. Skipper sign-ups will require ratings. Skippers and crew are put together at the beginning of the lesson. The race coordinator will also lead a brief overview of the race course and rules at the beginning of the lesson.

Hoofers races are posted as lessons every Thursday night. Skipper and crew are posted separately and may have different requirements depending on the boat. If you arrive early, talk to the race coordinator about rigging and prepping boats. If boats are rigged early, we may be able to get in more races!


  • Sloop Racing:
    • Skipper - requires sloop rating
    • Crew - no ratings required


  • Advanced Dinghy and Scows (420s, Lasers, Bytes, Rangers, C-Scows, MC Scow)
  • 420s, Rangers, and Scows have skipper and crew spots available. Skipper spots will require ratings
  • Lasers and bytes require a rating

*If there is an uneven number of crew and skippers, the race coordinator and racers may switch boats and crew to make sure everyone can get on the water.


  • Sloop Racing
    • Skipper - requires sloop rating
    • Crew - no ratings required


  • Techs and Zests
    • Rating required to sign-up. You may be able to crew for a friend if you don’t have a rating.
    • Once you have your tech or zest rating, sign-up for a race! It’s a great way to practice tacks, jibes, and become more familiar with points of sail!





The Sailing Club hosts a few fun racing events each summer with Spring Chicken, Pirate’s Day, and Commodore’s Cup.

Racing with MYC

Racing can be intimidating, but racing on a Hoofers boat gives you the opportunity to both push your limits as a sailor and learn from others in a safe environment. Hoofer Keelboats (J/24s and the Tartan 10s) and Scows participate in the twice weekly racing events organized by the Mendota Yacht Club (MYC). The membership/racing dues are paid for by Hoofers, so all you need to bring is yourself.

MYC racing hosts two races on Sunday mornings and one on Wednesday evenings throughout the spring, summer, and fall. (Times vary depending on the season). A wide range of skill levels are supported by the lessons we offer for MYC racing. If you have no racing experience, but still would like to learn to race on these days, you should target the T-10 (Tartan 10) MYC Beginner Racing Lessons on RecHub. If you’re looking for more on-boat responsibilities look for J/24 MYC Racing or E-Scow MYC Racing. You can contact the respective fleet captains if you have any questions on how or what you should sign up for. Sail Fast!